The legacy of a godawful year | Alan Pears for Renew Magazine

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Like all of us, Alan Pears is glad to show 2020 the door. But what does 2021 hold? A better approach to CO2 accounting, a warning from the IEA, and... learning from ants?

What a year!

2020 will be memorable for many reasons. It is a year that will reframe priorities, lives and economies as we face economic and social recovery from a global pandemic, and confront the early stages of global heating, and an increasingly uncertain global political context.

There have been tragedies, pain and economic challenges—and still we face much more. However, we have also seen staggering progress, much of which could underpin transition—if our leaders act in the public interest and rise above ideology and petty politics. Our multi-layered “competitive democracy” model does seem to be mobilising with some worthwhile initiatives from states, communities and business, despite fragmentation and limited coordination.

In writing this column, I read over my 2020 Renew columns, which address many relevant issues and suggest paths forward: there is some worthwhile summer reading in them!

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